Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Well, I'm bummed about the suit, but I am TOTALLY busy, ie. without a single second of free time until late Friday.

I'll think more about any salvage efforts later.

btw, here are the LAST pictures I took before it's explosion. So they have value now! cause there ain't gonna be any more!
for a while at least.

Fortunately the legs are still in tact.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a cryin' shame about the blowout, 'cause it looks like it fit you very well. I hope you can salvage it.

(Crosspost...I put this in the wrong post earlier)

8:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

indeed, it fits you wonderful and it looks fantastic. it´s a great pitty that it has torn :-( hope you will fix it in some way.
a quiet observer of your blog-entries ;-)

9:32 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

how did you get that figure? are you using a corset??

9:17 PM


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