Monday, October 16, 2006

gotta fast... fast

October is already half gone! oish.

I'm assuming that most of you had the idea that I'd prepare something for Halloween. Well... if you thought that, then you were wrong!
However, now I'm thinking about trying something.. nothing public or extravagant, just something I havent yet seen done. Yet, I'm sure I just haven't looked hard enough.

Anyway, I doubt I'll be able to pull it off in time, or at all for that matter.
It's going to require me to lose some additional weight, especially cause I feel like I've packed on about 10 pounds of muscle and a few pounds of fat in the past month. So I'll have to re-initiate my former diet. (the one where I lost 40/50ish pounds earlier this year)

If anybody is curious about this diet, I can tell you about it, but it's pretty boring. I just made it up after I decided that I wanted to lose weight and it's worked pretty well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I noticed that you have lost weight, but 50 pounds is a lot, how did you do that? I'm very curious.

10:33 PM


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