Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Well, tonight I finally suited up.. I was originally planning on writing a synopsis of the evening, but it ended up taking a bit longer than I expected.. and I'm a lot more exhausted than I thought I would be.

anyway, the brief version:
The A/C is broken in my house and it's pretty hot here at home (warmer in the house than it is outside). Putting everything on alone was a lot more difficult than I had originally imagined (cause catch 22 usually helped me in/out of everything). I sweated more than I ever have in my life, nearly passed out, and consequently didn't take as many pictures than I had originally hoped.

That's all for now,
Until tomorrow!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's good that you finaly have received your catsuit (I think it has been 4 months), I hope you have a lot more pictures comming.

6:41 PM


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