Thursday, July 13, 2006


drat, I accidentally closed the window while writing an entry and lost it!

but, it happens I guess.

Anyway, I've been fooling around with my camera and the self-timer and haven't been that pleased with the results, but I guess it'll have to due for now.
After taking a few non-rubber pictures just to test it out and see how it'd look, I figured I'd post one in conjunction with an older pic with juxtaposed genders.

So while taking these male pics and having seen a number of latex-clothing sites with not-so attractive male models, I've had the sudden urge to be a fetish-model!! although, nothing serious, just for catalogues or anything small..

I will work for transportation compensation and rubber! hehe


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find some information here.

10:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yum both pics look sexy :) Mr.Anonymous

5:15 PM


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