Friday, November 17, 2006

inflation vs. non-inflation


Not Inflated

different? I dunno.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, I've been a long time reader but never left a comment before due mostly to shyness. I've enjoyed your blog and the content thereof and have finally worked up the courage to comment. Of the inflated/not inflated pictures I would say the last picture of the 'inflate' and the one uninflated look the most natural to me.

4:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like the inflated pictures. i think they give you a small discreet increase in curvature. so unless it's too much trouble, i'd say go with the inflated ones

11:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've gotta go with the inflated too. It's a subtle difference, but it's there. Would the difference be more noticeable in something other than jeans? Just curious how much the denim is pushing the inflation back in.

12:12 PM


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