Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Well, the other day I got dressed up spur of the moment and it took me forever to actually figure out what I was going to wear, because there were some issues with the suit I originally had in mind.

Anyway, I just ended up throwing on some vanilla clothes and half way through taking pictures decided I'd change pants! so I took pictures of all that too!

Normally I wouldn't just rattle off a photo-set, but I've been really busy lately and don't have much to write about it... Because nothing interesting or unexpected happened while taking the pictures.

The Jeans are still a little snug

but fit well enough

pedicure =P

Ok, new pair of pants.

The end!

So yeah, I normally don't just post pics.. But I'm feeling lazy!

gah, somehow I managed to have my eyes closed in nearly every picture.

oh yeah.... Comments please!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A most impressive collection! Sexy shape, sexy moves, sexy hair! One intriguing element is the fact that your eyes do not show through the mask eyes... and yet I am still drawn to the images. A commentary on where my own thoughts and feelings are, perhaps?
Anyway, thanks for sharing, and please keep up the excellent work!

10:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

a really amazing set of pictures. the outfit really plays well on you as you playt it well yourself.
it does look like a dool suit tho, is it?

anyway, great pictures.

james w.

12:19 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When did you get yourself a full doll suit? Other than a few knee wrinkles, you fill it out rather well. Much more shapely than most. ;)

I can't wait to see what you put together for Halloween. ;)

8:14 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow that is really nice!

You probably posted this somewhere, but where did you get that suit?

I'm new to the whole rubber doll thing but I really like it. I have my own fursuit and I preform at community events as different costume characters. Suiting up is fun, and what you are doing looks awesome!

By any chance could you email me ( and tell me where i can get a commission for a suit like this or how to make one? I'm embarised asking, but I'm new to this so I'm not sure were to start.

Thanks a million!,

1:21 AM


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