Sunday, February 19, 2006


ah, it's been a fun weekend of gorging on life by the fistfull,
but all good things come to an end and I've got to get back to work; studying behavior and the human mind.

I spent some time enjoying my other love, dance, and now my back is paying for it. Sometimes I feel like I'm getting too old for it, but then I remember that I'm 22 and try to convince myself that I have a few more years left.

So I've been thinking about my next purchase and am heavily leaning towards getting a new female catsuit, just trying to figure out color, etc. I really think I should get black, but I'm starting to get a little bored of the lack of variety of pigment in my collection, but black latex always looks so good!
decisions, decisions. =P

I also looked at some boots, or rather my gf did for me. I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to leave much of my look in her capable hands, because I like her style and she seems to have fun figuring out what I should wear. And what girl doesn't like shopping?! (I know that's kind of wrong to say)
Also, as far as typical female wear; shoes, pants, dresses, etc. I think it's wise to leave it up to a girl to make the final decision when crossdressing. I figured this out a while ago because there is a lot that goes into gender (I mean gender as a social construct, not merely biological sex differentiation).

Being a boy, I've concerned myself with boyish things, for the most part (I don't watch sports, drink beers, or chase skirts). I've always dressed in men's clothes, figured out what hair-styles look good with my figure, learned all the masculine nuances that makes up being a male in my society.
Having grown up being shaped to look and act like a boy, I now do all boy things instinctively. I look like a guy, act like a guy, stand like a guy, talk like a guy, hold my cigarettes roughly like a guy, and tend not to be dainty or feminine in anything that I do... and honestly, it's gotten a little boring. I've really enjoyed dressing up on the rare occasions that I have. It's nice to be vein while wearing someone else's face and to take pride in my figure while inhabiting a body that's not my own. I like taking on a slightly shifted persona and in many ways it has given me some perspective on the other half of the human race.

Getting back to what I was saying before; since I only know how to be a boy, trying to be a girl has proven to be nothing short of extremely difficult. I know what I think is sexy, but honestly I know that my taste is a little tacky, like most guys. So while dressing up, I don't want to look like a total slut or just a boy dressed in mis-matched girls clothing.

So once I figured out that I wanted to buy some boots I knew that I would consult my gf for it, because she has a life-time of experience in dealing with female activities, one of them being, of course, buying shoes! So I intend to continue to tap into her bottomless well of feminine knowledge of which I completely lack and am very thankful that I have access to.

Also, I'd like to say thanks to Cmonster and Pzxc for the kind words and nice comments. And yes, I plan on treating my gf well and continuing to post my writing and pictures. Also, thanks again ClosetMonster for the link on your site.

Ok, I'm off to take some advil and do more dancing!
I'll get some more posts/pics up this week! =D


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